Sunday 26 June 2016

We Burnt The Witch!

I have to admit that, even though my son likes to call me the 'old man', I can thankfully say that here in Britain we did away with the gross stupidity of killing harmless old women to obtain their lands and properties years ago by claiming that they were witches. So I have never witnessed a real witch hunt. Even if we did have such barbaric practices today I wouldn't want to have any part of it and would certainly be doing all in my power to help such people. The pedant in me needs to point out that here in Britain our preferred gruesome method to dispatch these innocent ladies was to hang them, not to burn them! This doesn't make the practice any better though. I cannot think of anything worse than going to see a public execution but having witnessed daytime hate TV here in Britain such as the Jeremy Vile show I can see that they would be quite popular among lots of our population.

The reason for the above title is that having noticed the mood among the sensible people of Britain on awakening to find the news that we have voted to leave the EU. I can imagine that it was the same among our ancestors after a public killing. The night before they could have easily been whipped into a frenzy with tall stories of heinous acts been committed against the public by the victim. They will have been promised that if they killed the witch the crops will grow and you will finally get to marry off the ugly daughter. Then the next morning after the act had been done most people awoke feeling quite sick, wondering just why they went along with such a folly. On Friday when we all awoke to the news that Britain had voted to leave the EU I'm sure that there were lots of people who had voted to leave that felt this way. They are probably worried about the future as the market vultures swooped in on the currency and the market sending both crashing!

Before you start wearing hair shirts and spending your lives in a monastery eating nothing but bread and water as a penance, look at the facts. First lets put the myth to bed that the EU was the big bad witch., it wasn't. But it was big and it is getting bad. There are lots of benefits to being part of one market. I would say that the original idea of a trading agreement between countries where people and goods can travel freely is a good idea, and if don't agree, then go to the monastery now! Laws passed to protect the people and trade are also a good thing. But the Common Market as it was originally known was set up as a trade deal with pretensions, it was always going to lead to Europe being one big federal state. If you get chance to look back at the debates of the time in the 'seventies please do. People like Tony Benn were pointing out to people what was going to happen and that it wasn't just a trade deal, he was of course correct. The EU, will, if it survives, become a huge faceless bureaucratic machine that will churn out dictates that will work wonderfully for one region while being devastating for others.

The myth that immigration is causing problems here in Britain should also be put to bed. There is nothing wrong with immigration if it's controlled correctly and we make provisions for it. We need others to work and bring trade and ideas to make us a bigger better more tolerant country. The problem is and has always been a cartel of people who have run successive governments. They are not in touch with real people, they live in a different world where they talk down and patronise the great unwashed. That is why Cameron agreed to have this referendum; he genuinely thought he could bully us into voting the way he wanted us to. Why on Earth do you think he and his evil side kick Osborne made such stupid remarks about us going to war with Europe or the evil budget they would impose on us if we left? The whole campaign wasn't about whether it was better for the British people to leave or stay in the union it was about old school friends trying to get the better of each other!

If governments had spent more time building houses, investing in schools and hospitals, and here, I'm saying really doing this, not just manipulating statistics to look like they were going to do it, then the outcome of the referendum would, I'm sure, have been different. People are fed up with with not being heard by politicians on all sides. They are fed up with being patronised and ignored, being told what is best for them. They are fed up of seeing their communities being dismantled as old industries die and nothing being put into place to replace them. They are fed up with seeing the obscenely rich becoming even more obscenely rich while we, the great unwashed, become poorer in real terms.

I have visited schools where they had under a hundred pupils one year, only to have over seven hundred the year after. The classrooms were makeshift cabins that were placed on what were once the children's playing fields. These small rural towns were engulfed by European workers coming to work picking fruit and veg. If there had been proper provision set in place for these people to come to work it would, I'm sure, have been a harmonious situation, as the workers were needed in these industries. Instead chaos ensued, as such an influx of people caused tensions between the locals and the new arrivals. It is not the fault of the migrants that there aren't the correct provisions put into place to have them work here, it's the fault of Westminster, which ignores the pleas of local government for help, telling them that they need to save money! Funny thing is, I don't remember them saying that to the bankers when they brought he world to its knees!

The people who voted out are sneeringly being called, 'Little Englanders', and 'Closet Racists'. They are made out to be ill-educated idiots. Well, if they are, they are all very angry ill-educated idiots! They voted against being marginalised, against being ignored and bullied. The government are looking for someone to blame for things not going their way, so they are pointing out that most of the Brexiteers come from the labour heart lands in the north. This is not true, but if it were, then it proves my point that Westminster is to blame. They can spend billions on a useless project such as HS2, but can't be bothered to build houses for people who are already living in cramped squalid conditions. They can't find a way of revitalising whole towns that have been left to suffer a slow lingering death. Where work has dried up and drugs and apathy have taken hold. This is not fantasy, this is fact! Towns such as Barnsley in south Yorkshire are quickly becoming ghost towns. The town centre is now just row after row of charity shops. This was once a proud, hard-working mining town, but now is just a shell of its former self.

People are now worried that the markets and the currency seem to be going into free fall; don't! The vultures that prey on commodities are the faceless billionaires who can destroy a country's economy with the swipe of a pen. The pound and the markets were always going to crash if we left, I thought everyone knew that? That is what happens with these people. If they think they are going to loose money, they panic! The market and the pound will stabilise and when we start to negotiate new trade deals things will become more settled. Cameron made things worse by spitting his dummy out and claiming he wasn't playing anymore! This is the thing that most worries me, as this will leave a vacuum that I'm sure will be filled by the... I can't be nice, sorry. This is a vacuum that will be filled by the arse holes that are Johnson and Gove! These, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, are far more evil than anything that Lewis Carroll could ever dream up! They will bring nothing but right wing politics to the masses. Then we have the loathsome little Farage who now has notions of grandeur. He has served his purpose though: he was good at arguing the stupid contradictions that happened in Brussels, but other than that he is just a pompous little wannabe.

So for those of you that think that we burnt the witch, we didn't! We have made changes, we have given ourselves a chance to renegotiate with our partners in Europe and again work alongside them in trade. It will be difficult for a while because of the faceless vultures that prey on economies but if we get clever sensible people to do our negotiation for us, I believe we can become a powerful trading nation again. Don't listen to Johnson and Co, they are in it for themselves, and they are a danger to the country. For the people who claim that our working laws will be changed for the worse, then vote in a government that will protect people and their rights, and stop voting for tax cuts that don't benefit you, only the rich. Make Westminster accountable to you, change the system! In truth if we left or if we stayed, it wouldn't make a big difference to most of us.

Don't fall for the con about immigration being bad for the country, but most of all start to become interested in politics. Take control of your lives. I for one always look forward to change as long as it's positive, lets hope we get a government that can negotiate this for us!

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