Monday 19 December 2016

The Madonna and the Hyenas

I have written many times before about what a lucky little bunny I have been in life. To be honest I don't really deserve the happiness I have surrounding me in my life, but I'm thankful for it.

I could, if truth be known, just wrap myself up in the comfort of my semi-detached suburbia and live in blissful ignorance of the daily suffering people endure. But unfortunately I seem to be under the delusion that I can make a difference to people's lives. So I seem to be compelled, like some missionary lemming, to work within the community, I think I'm more of an hindrance than  a help to people who really do make a difference.

The thing about working with people from all walks of life is that you encounter some really wonderful people. These people have usually overcome great obstacles in their own lives only to use their knowledge to help others. I get to meet people who are on various stages of their life journey; some are recovering from something while others are trying to come to terms with recent news, and of course, I get to meet lots of people in denial. I have no right to judge or pass comment on any of these people as we have all found ourselves in situations where we can't understand just how we arrived there.

Last week I was invited to a Christmas lunch put on by the manager of a local pub (bar). The meal was free and I was with a group of people who are themselves on a life journey trying to overcome lots of things that life can throw at you. I have to say that these men were fantastic company; happy, witty and not a trace of malice or bitterness about the situation they were in. Rather than this free lunch being some cynical marketing ploy or a tax dodge, it was given from the heart. The lady who managed the pub had herself received dreadful news that a young member of her family had been diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. Rather than withdraw, which I think I may have done in her situation, she went out fund raising to try bring happiness into her community. I have to say that this lady bent over backwards to make the lunch such a special occasion all she asked in return was a photograph with the group for her memory box. A true Madonna (Lady).

Also this week while walking through my local town centre I noticed lots of young men in various fancy dress shouting and swearing at the top of their voices, which suggested that the annual silly season is upon us again. Every Christmas people have works' Christmas parties where too much is drunk and too much is said. Every year there are people who shuffle back into work to sheepishly apologise to other colleagues or even the boss for their behaviour. There are people who cringe at the memory of the brief but passionate fling with the butch girl from despatch or the the women who have a hazy recollection of a snog with the guy with terminal halitosis from the warehouse.

As I watched these lads walk through town one of them said something to another lad within his group which resulted in him being punched in the face. Of course all hell broke loose and a major fight broke out with people who, up until fifteen minutes previously had been all good friends. The fight was witnessed by people with small children, it was mid afternoon on a busy shopping day. There was fists and feet flying swearing and shouting. Some of the group sat bloodied and dazed as the wails of police sirens could be heard, this at a time which is supposed to be about peace and goodwill. Children cried and shoppers reprimanded the idiots.

It's strange that an event such as Christmas can bring out such different emotions in people, those who want to help and those who want to selfishly over-indulge. I know that we all over-indulge at Christmas when it comes to feasting, but it's how we react with others that's important. Which brings me back to the beginning. I realise that I have everything I need in life, I'm loved by the people who matter and live a life of my choice. There are lots of people out there, not only this Christmas but the whole year round, who don't have any of the things which I have in the past taken for granted. I don't want this posting to end with a sickly sweet sentiment or my usual cynical bite at life, I just want people to remember that here are lots of hyenas out there, destroying lives. These come in many forms - remember, pack mentality starts a hunt and a hunt always ends in death. But where's there's Ying there must also be Yang and there are also lots of good people out there, people who devote their whole lives to make a difference to others. They are not as visible as the hyenas, but you should thank your God that they exist!