Sunday 1 March 2015

The Mad, The Bad And The Ugly!

Oh dear, I think I'm suffering from Deja Vu! Old Adolf Putin, sorry, Vladimir Hitler, sorry, I mean Vladimir Putin (I always get those two mixed up) who is definitely not gay, has been yet again blamed for something he obviously had nothing to do with!

People have accused the bachelor, who is definitely not gay, of having one of his political opponents assassinated! Why would a man such as Putin, who likes to wrestle bare chested with other men, (nothing gay about that), who loves freedom of his speech, and freedom of his liberties, have a liberal reformer killed? I notice that people have also had the audacity to say that he has something to do with the invasion of the Ukraine! These 'rebels' who have Russian passports and are members of the Russian army and are armed by Russia obviously have nothing to do with the Russian President!

The Russian people obviously love him - they have been told to! He, like Thatcher did in Britain in the eighties, is taking his country back to the good old days! Thatcher wanted to go back to 'Victorian values'! It was a shame that, when she had finished, we had no chimneys left to send the children up. The sight of a small, under-nourished child scrambling up a blackened, sooty chimney would have warmed the cockles of her heart. Likewise, Putin wants to take Russia back to the cold war days, so he can isolate the people and rule supreme... er just as he does now! This is a man that is so far on the left he has come full circle and come out on the right. Not "come out" in a gay sort of way, though!

If Russia is not behind the invasion of the Ukraine, then why doesn't he condemn the actions of the troops that are invading a country that showed no aggression towards Russia? Why doesn't he make sure that Russian arms are not supplied to these 'rebels'? If he has no connection to the recent assassination why doesn't he organise an independent inquiry into the killing? That's if he understands the concept of independent, you know, like the Ukraine, an independent country! Well what about the Russian aircraft off the coast of Cornwall, was this a show of aggression or were they fitted with the same navigation systems that Malaysian airlines use?

Maybe he's just misunderstood; he just might need a bit of love and affection, but not the gay type! He's not gay he's.... what's that other word we use for people who can't come to terms with their sexuality, you know the types that over emphasise traits to try mask their true feelings? … confused?

We have also found out who Jihadi John is, this week! I wish they wouldn't give such cartoon type names to cold blooded killers! It makes him sound like a naughty boy, who likes to scrump apples and nick apple pies that have been left on a window sill to cool, and also, now and then, ruthlessly slit the throats of those who try to help 'his people'.

It seems that he's a gentle loving type, who became very cross because the police had investigated him for going abroad to be radicalised! Poor love! These people have the same ideology as thirteenth century thinkers. They are blinded by ignorance and hatred. They have no aims, except to kill and dominate, to squash any semblance of rational freedom of thought and speech. They will only be happy when all people are back in caves, living their lives in fear!

It also seems that the ugly face of football has shown itself again! A few morons refused a black person entry onto a train in Paris last week. What a bunch of knobheads! (that's my politically correct thinking again! Doh!) The powers that be have worked hard since the bleak old days, back in the seventies, when racism was rife on the terraces. They have turned the game round to be what it should be, what it used to be, a game where a father and son or any other combination can stand side by side and cheer for their team! 

The world has no place for people with this type of mentality, and this also goes for the maniacs mentioned above. I might moan about the lack of democracy in this supposedly democratic country, but it has been a long hard battle, where people have lost their lives and their liberties to ensure that we have these freedoms. Don't let the disturbed, bigoted minds and ideologies of people written about in this blog take us back to the brink of destruction that others have done in the past!

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