Sunday 8 March 2015

The Bucket List

I have been talking to someone today who is a lot younger than me, and is as far as I know fit and well. She told me that she had drawn up her bucket list. I thought you were only supposed to do this when you reached your mid-life crisis?

I actually had my mid life crisis in my thirties, honest! I went off the rails in a big way. It was a lot of fun for me, but not much fun for others, I would imagine.

What struck me as odd was some of the things this person had on her list. She wanted to meet a presenter on our local TV here in Yorkshire. I have actually met this presenter a few times, when I have been on TV hawking my wares, sorry, promoting both myself and my work. The gentleman in question seemed amiable enough, but he wouldn't be on my list for anything! Also on her list was to go bungee jumping. I have also done this; it's OK  - nothing spectacular, though. I did my jump from a crane over a lake. It would have been more exciting had it been over the grand canyon, I suppose.

As her list went on I suddenly realised just what a low expectation she had of life. With the exception of a weekend at a beauty spa, I think I had done nearly everything on her bucket list. I have not had a particularly exciting, or unusual life, but I had done nine of her ten things to do before you die. They were all things that were easy to organise, and to achieve. My wife can't see the problem with this, saying that this person should at least be able to complete her list, whereas my ideas are just stupid!
I beg to differ. With the exception of going into space, I reckon I will easily complete my list (though I have only just started writing it tonight). I do want to travel around Australia and go on safari in Kenya, but these are easy to organise and set up when I get the time. I am a bit strange about things, because the main reason for me to visit these places are the same reasons that some people don't want to visit them. I love snakes and all reptiles, and these countries have loads of them. I would love to see some in their natural setting. I have just thought of another bucket list item, as well; to go down the Cresta run in a bob sleigh.

I do think bucket lists are a strange concept, because I believe in taking all opportunities when they come along, even the things I have little or no interest in. I have done quite a few things that I wouldn't want to do again - potholing is one. I just don't see the point. But if someone offered me a chance to go potholing in, say, Borneo I would be off like a shot!

Rather than making a bucket list, I think you should get out there, see what there is, and have a go.  Somewhere along the line, the opportunity to do one of your bucket list items might become a reality.

So, if you are reading this and you work in a school in Australia, book me to come visit you! Then I'll have my excuse to go over there, and tick my Australian odyssey off my list.

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