Tuesday 9 December 2014

There is no Sanity Clause

There are certain things we, as adults, don't want to have to explain to our children. Such as where do babies come from?, what happened to my pet hamster? Who was that woman I saw you with last night? We know, as adults, that these are all themes that it's difficult for a young mind to deal with. The last one would also be difficult for your wife's mind to deal with!

Because we don't want to face up to the reality of explaining the issues of life and death to children, we invent stories such as, the stork brings them, Hammy as gone to play with his friends and she was my cousin who is going through hard times! The last one doesn't work, by the way.

Can you imagine when a child asks you these questions and can see the consequences of the actions?
There are millions of children around the world who are suffering famine, war and abuse. How do you explain to a child that is starving that Mummy and Daddy are having another baby, when they can't afford to feed them. How do you explain to a child that its mother has died of an illness that the world has turned its back on, because it doesn't involve them? You can no longer whitewash over the reality. To many children around the world, this is not a time of anticipation and happiness. For them each and every day is the same, and life can be short and brutal!

The third world exists so we, the west, can live the lives we do! You can gloss over it as much as you want and try to give as many political and social reasons as you wish, but it's the truth. I know that aid that is sent to help benefit these people is filtered into bank accounts of the politicians of these countries. I know this, you know this, and the powers that be know this, So why don't they do something about it? It's all part of the insane game! We lend them money at over inflated prices, the money goes to the banks of the politicians, and the country struggles to pay the debt back. You don't have to go to the third world to see this process in action, go to Wonga and see how the poor of Britain are given the same treatment. Little money, at ridiculous interest rates that most who are applying for the loan don't know or understand. The masses are left with nothing, while a few pocket the cash.

It would be easy for me to go off on a rant about this, but today I'm not going to, because this blog is not about my rants, this blog is an invitation.

I don't normally do charity events: charity is a way for governments to relinquish their responsibility. I do events each year for Children in Need, which I also have a problem with (See previous blogs) but I do these because I believe passionately in education and this is one time when I can reach lots of children.

But I have been asked by Oxfam to appear at a charity night in Skipton, North Yorkshire. I'm going to be 'strutting my stuff' at the Black Bull Pub, The High Street, Skipton. On the 16th December 2014 at 7-30 pm. got all that?

It's in aid of the Ebola appeal. That's to get rid of Ebola, and not an invitation for it to visit. I can't speak for anyone else on the bill but my section will just be pure comedy; no preaching, no begging, just me doing what I do.

So, if you're in the area, why not come along? It's free, but no doubt someone will have a bucket, hopefully to be filled with cash - there is a toilet for other things.

So I hope to see you on Tuesday the 16th December at 7-30pm at the Black Bull On Skipton High Street, feel free to come and have a chat to me if you wish, any offer of a free drink is always gratefully accepted.

I'm doing this because, even though there's a real Santa Claus, the world unfortunately doesn't have a Sanity Clause!

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