Sunday 5 January 2014

Aliens Have Landed!

The above title is true; I have been told it many times by many people, ranging from my closest and oldest friend, to the lizard guru David Icke. And they have proof... they've seen it for themselves! That's it, that's the proof.

First, let's just get rid of the David Icke aspect of this blog. He's a man that has had, or is still having, some form of mental illness and has found that he has spawned an industry that pays him very well. Lots of his so- called devotees believe his twelve foot reptilians that rule the world are just a metaphor for Jews. So half of his audience are right-wing racist bigots and the other half have mental health issues. I have read some of his literature and seen his followers being interviewed, and the words "mad" and "box of frogs" spring to mind!

Then there are the people like my friend who, with others, witnessed a UFO at close quarters before it sped off. I know most of the other people he was with that night and I haven't spoken to them about this as it was over thirty odd years ago now, but my friend truly believes it was a UFO. He has also developed conspiracy-itis, believing that there's a government cover up etc. He tells me that I'm blinded by my own ignorance and that one day it will all be proven to me. Is it me, or is this beginning to sound like a religion?

Firstly, I do believe that he saw something - of that, there's no doubt. Secondly, this event didn't happen in the desert, it happened on a council estate in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, where at least another 4,000 people live at close quarters. None of them, including me, who was in the area at the time saw this ship hovering above us.

The local news papers and radio and TV didn't mention it (it's the government keeping them quiet). I have spoken to people that lived on the same street the night this happened. They didn't see it. This is the part that I'm afraid always upsets my friend; he had been drinking, a lot. My bet is that it was a helicopter, as police helicopters are not that uncommon around those parts. I know it sounds mundane but the truth is usually mundane. But this encounter, like religious encounters for others, has become an all-consuming belief for my friend. He trawls the internet looking for like-minded people, reads books on it, and buys DVD's on the subject; I even buy him them for Christmas presents. He tells me that I should listen to him, as he knows a lot about this subject. This I don't dispute, but there are lots of people with belief systems that know a lot about them, and I don't believe them either.

Having said all this, it would be arrogant and naïve to believe that life only exists here on Earth. There has to be life somewhere, but who's to say that we are not the most intelligent life? OK that's maybe going too far but the UFO phenomenon didn't really take off (see what I did?) until we had powered flight. The aliens that are seen quite a lot in American deserts are the same ones that were first seen in Hollywood 'B' movies of the fifties.

I know that the American government created part of the myth to throw the Russians off track when they were developing the stealth bombers. This is where the Roswell connection comes in. And as for the people being probed... you wish!

Other beliefs and industries have developed as part of this movement. The most worrying one for me is the 'Indigo Children' who are put here to help humans develop. These are kids that are being set up for lots of psychological and emotional issues in the future by over zealous and stupid parents.

If aliens had the technology to travel at least two hundred light years to reach us they would have to be very clever indeed. Such high intellect would have studied Earth and its inhabitants. We have sent out probes (not the anal type) and information into space about us and out planet; they would have made contact way before they arrive here, as humans have an awful habit of killing things that frighten them. And don't tell me that a spaceship wouldn't be picked up by some neurotic government's radar or such. Anything that looks a threat flying through any country's airspace will be greeted by fighter jets, they wouldn't be able to keep it quiet.

This is the part that irritates most Ufologists - governments do have departments that try to communicate with ET's and so called sightings are investigated (they just keep it quiet, man, they have done autopsies on aliens man!) But they, like me, believe that just because you can't identify it, it doesn't mean it's from outer space!

And just one last thing, to all you ufologists and ghost hunters, please take a leaf out of the trainspotters book and BUY DECENT CAMERA!

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