Thursday 26 May 2016

Brothers From Different Mothers!

It has been a long time since I watched TV with my hands over my face while hiding behind the settee. I remember sitting one Saturday evening in front of the TV at Granddad and Nonna's house. This TV was more like a small wardrobe with a tiny screen than a TV such as we would recognise today. Nonna bought it when they first came on the market. All the neighbours would call around to her house on an evening just to watch this new miracle invention. She still had that same TV until four years before she died in 1989.

The programme that had me squirming with fear was an episode of Doctor Who where the head Dalek screamed out the usual threat of “Exterminate!” This was the first time I or anyone else had encountered this terrifying threat. The memory of it is still quite vivid in my mind. So I thought that my days of squirming in front of the TV were over as I'm now all grown up and reckon I could take a Dalek out in a fight… but how wrong I was.

Last night I was unfortunate enough to witness a broadcast by the Leave campaign recommending Brexit - designed to make the people of Britain choose to leave the EU. If you are reading this and you are not from Britain or the EU you may not be aware that here in Britain our beloved PM (Prime Minister), in a desperate bid for re-election, gave the population a chance to vote once and for all about whether we stay or go from the EU. This is a big decision, something not to be taken lightly. No one really knows what the outcome will be either way. We just seem to get the threats instead of the facts. The Remain campaign reckon that they won’t be able to negotiate any deals anymore (?) and we will go bankrupt (?) while the Leave campaign reckons our national flag will be Latvian in ten years’ time! Boring!

The Brexit (Leave) commercial last night centred round an old woman going into hospital. I have never seen anything more inept, moronic or patronising in all my life. The Brexit campaign have no credibility at all. Was this commercial aimed at people who have just come out of a coma with brain damage? Who the hell was it supposed to appeal to? Was it supposed to be some sort of xenophobic mind drip about how Johnny Foreigner is abusing our beloved NHS? With so little investment by various governments into the NHS over the years, we now rely on foreign nurses and doctors to run it for us! Without immigration, the NHS would come to an abrupt halt.

Why has this referendum become solely about the Tory party? People were, not long ago, calling Jeremy Corbyn for being weak, but Labour all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet, even though lots do want to leave. Why can't we have an intelligent and informed debate about the pros and cons of the EU? There are lots of positive things about being connected as one, but also there are lots of negatives. This is the same for every country of the EU, but each country has different gripes. For example, Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal benefited from money used to improve their infrastructure, then suffered when they were unable to make the repayments.

I want people who are bright and knowledgeable to have TV debates, giving us all correct answers to the main themes. I believe that we receive less money back than we pay in; the money that we receive back goes to a small percentage of the population in the form of grants. The real winners here in Britain are the big multi-nationals, not the great unwashed or small-to-medium-sized businesses. Here in Yorkshire, investment has ranged from little to non-existent and in the North-East it's even worse. As for workers’ rights getting worse if we leave the EU, then vote in a government that will make a change. In fact, change the whole system!

Now you may be wondering why this posting has the above title. Well I seem to have found myself in some kind of 1950s sci-fi B movie. You know the one where the lead character knows that aliens have landed and taken over the population but no one believes him. Well, I'm here to tell you that Boris Johnson is one of those aliens! It's easy to see that he's from another planet just by the shit he talks. His whole argument about leaving the EU seems to be centred round the shape of bananas. Honest, he goes on about this all the time and people cheer and clap when he does this! These people must have had their brains removed and replaced with walnuts - there can be no other explanation. This man is some sort of genetic mutation of Donald Trump. They are just hair-styles with no substance. They both just make puerile, pathetic statements that any person who is able to tie his or her own shoe-laces would find offensive. But people buy into it. Why?

Just because these men are successful, it doesn't mean they are clever. It means their parents had lots of money and they are both manipulative and bullying. I know someone who worked on a panel show on TV. This was a satirical show which picked out topical subjects of the week for the panel to mock. Boris was a guest on the show and of course was a target for the comedians. My informant who worked behind the scenes thought Boris's performance as the blundering buffoon was just brilliant but was shocked to find that after the show, when the cast got together for a chat, it wasn't an act! Boris wasn’t able to hold his own in the conversation.

I believe Trump to be the same, I think he can easily intimidate people because he is so powerful. In America money is power; here in Britain it's the old school tie. A few months ago I wouldn't have given Trump a chance of becoming the president, now I think there's a good chance he will do it. Johnson always had a chance of being PM as he went to the right school and had all the right connections. But I thought that because he was such a moron no one would take him seriously. Now that his inane quips about Brussels seem to be winning people over, I'm worried.

When you look at the Brexit camp how can anyone take their campaign seriously? The diabolical advert they unleashed on the public showed that they have no grasp of how things are run. They were just playing the very dangerous race card as far as I'm concerned. These idiots do not represent the people of this country who do want change, but not if it involves being led by donkeys such as Johnson and Co!

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