Sunday 13 March 2016

Welcome to the Real Twilight Zone!

The Twilight Zone is a place where strange things can happen, a place populated by the odd and the unsavoury. To be honest, the real world can out-twilight any zone!

In the political twilight zone at the moment we have strange things happening, both here in Britain and over the pond in America. The catalyst for this strange change can be traced back to George 'bomb them' Bush, Attila the Hun's right wing cousin, in America. Here in Britain we had St Tony of Blair, the saviour of the middle classes, Thatcher's favourite son. These two were so successful that other political parties thought that they must emulate them to have any chance of being in power. This created 'empty suit politics', a world where there was only one mantra, 'fuck the poor!'

This ideology reigned supreme for quite a while, until people became weary of the status quo and wanted change. Here in Britain, we had a complete makeover of the Labour party. This used to be the party of the people, until St Tony took over. A shock defeat was inflicted on the suits when one J. Corbyn, Esquire took over the reigns. He was an old throwback to the 'seventies, a left wing radical with principles. The right-wing press press suffered from anaphalactic shock, and started a scare campaign, telling the great unwashed that they had no intelligence voting in such a man and he would bring down all civilisation just by stroking his beard! Well, not quite, but they were working up to this. 

But unfortunately all that happened is that the Labour party seem to have shut up shop and disappeared! There is no mention of them in the media any more. What we have now is the Tory party trying to get that loveable scamp Boris the buffoon into power. You know the guy: he's so loveable, the way he bullies people in private, telling them how to think and what to say. You know who I mean? The guy who has decided to go against his party's line on Europe, not because of a strongly held conviction to get us out of Europe, but because he's gambling on a second referendum so he can get a better deal to stay in Europe, thus undermining Dr Bland, sorry D, Cameron, Esquire, and becoming the leader of his party! People are warming to Johnson, not because he's a political genius, but because he seems to have some semblance of a personality, even if it's one that the average rattlesnake would be ashamed of!

Meanwhile, over in the states, they have two surprises, as with here in Britain. They have two candidates that no one thought had any chance just a few months ago, but who now are possible contenders. I make no excuses about my political beliefs. I have been a lifelong socialist, it is genetically ingrained in my DNA. I believe in a fair free society where all people have an equal chance to succeed in life, no matter what their background, gender, race or sexual preference. Communism has been proven not to work, capitalism also has been proven not to work, so why not meet in the middle? So when the press in America describe Bernie Sanders as 'left wing,' it makes me laugh. He would be a moderate Liberal here in Britain. But I for one would vote for him if I lived in the States - you can't trust the Clintons!

But the thing that is very disturbing is the rise of 'Forest Trump'. What in the name of...? Come on, guys, you have had your fun - now let's get serious. We Brits have had our differences with you Americans in the past, but on the whole we are like dysfunctional siblings; we don't get on, but we do have a lot in common, so we tend to stick together. But you cannot be thinking on releasing the combover onto the world's stage? Wasn't Krusty the clown available? This is what happens when you have boring politics for years. This is what happens when people get fed up of not being listened to! Ask the Germans, they fell for the same thing back in the 'thirties! When people want change, they have a knee-jerk reaction and vote for something that is totally different to what they already have.

On the world front, the twilight zone is getting even more weird, as Europe is paying Turkey to keep refugees on 'remand' in their country. No doubt they will build large inhumane holding pens for theses people who are fleeing from tyranny! I have been on holiday to Turkey, and that was more than enough for me. I wouldn't want to be trapped there - it wasn't that much fun when I was just holidaying there! If you want to help the refugees, then sort out the problems in their homeland and you won't have this crisis. All the big boys need to get around a table with the other countries in the area and talk about how to stop the religious imbeciles and lunatic dictators from destroying lives! I know Russia won't want to be any part of this; that's because no one wants to go there. The refugees may be fleeing for their lives but they aren't that desperate that they want to live under Putin! We need to stop punishing and demonizing the innocents, and go after the guilty ones. Give the people of Syria their country back!

And finally, on a happier note, I have noticed in the media this week  a lovely little story of how a Brazilian man nursed a little penguin after it had been covered in oil. His patience was rewarded when he finally released the little bird back into the wild. But in a twist of nature, and in true twilight zone fashion, the little bird now makes a five thousand mile pilgrimage every year to come back to visit its saviour. What a lovely story....

You know I can't leave it there! Penguins are migratory birds, and the little penguin will make the trip to the beach where it was found covered in oil every year. The man that nursed the bird back to life no doubt fed it well so it has learned that where he lives is quite a good feeding ground. This isn't a story of inter-species love, but nothing more than animal behaviour. But because there is no good news here in the twilight zone I will say that this last story has brought happiness not only to the old man who nursed the penguin, but to all of us that read the story!

Now, in more mundane news, a dog with six heads has been found skateboarding down the back of the Statue of Liberty ...

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