Friday 18 March 2016

Vladimir Putin Reads My Blog (Possibly)

As a writer, my aim is to get as many people as possible to read my work. I'm not bothered whether people agree with me or not, I want my work to be the starting point of a discussion. The outcome is always better than the starting point when it comes to debate, because all sides have their say and all sides usually do have valid points.

I was amused and relieved this week when just after posting my last blog saying that all sides should stop bombing and start debating the future of Syria, and stating that Russia wouldn't want to do this, Putin announced that he was to stop bombing and start talks about how to move forward. He must have read my blog. There can be no other reason for this... I know he now has a naval port in the Mediterranean plus an air base, and I know that all the other Arab dictators in the region like his style and would be happy to talk to him. We in the west have been more worried about our own interests in the middle east to solve the problem. While Putin went in, threw his weight around, dictated what he was going to do, got bored with Assad, used him for his own means, and now has the ears of most of the middle east! I don't think I told him to do that any of my previous blogs, but I did advise him to stop bombing innocent people, though!

You see, unlike politicians, I like to lay claim to positives, but I don't lay blame on others unless they are to blame.

I do wonder sometimes who reads my blogs, as they are a mish-mash of sentiment, politics, and downright rudeness. I think it's safe to say that I'm not to bothered about who gets upset about what I write, though that is not my intention. I despise the so-called 'trolls' on the web. I put my name and face to everything I write, my intention is to give my point of view and hope that others agree, if not they are willing to debate. The best thing about social media is that it has given people a voice, though it's sad that some just use it to shout abuse. I know through my stats on my blog that I get lots of people reading my posts in both America and in Russia, Putin obviously being one of them. The beauty of the internet is that ordinary people get to say what they think and feel, and we don't have to listen to the spin of the politicians.

All we know about other countries is what the media tells us, and the media is always owned by someone with a point of view, so it's hard to be objective. People in America talk about the dirty politics of Russia, which, of course, is true. Politics is dirty whichever country you live in. Talking of dirty, I notice that Forrest Trump is still going from strength to strength. He's like a buoyant turd that is impossible to flush away! This is a man that uses money and dangerous, soundbite politics to get his way. Obama this week did an interview where he was thoughtful and reflective about his term in office. He admitted that he let politics get in the way of him serving the people. He has, however, made reforms such as healthcare for the poor, which will save millions of lives. While here in Britain we have slasher Osborne who feeds the rich and starves the poor. Give them a small tax break and dismantle the safety net is his mantra. The Americans should be under no illusion that Trump will be like a capitalist cancer: he will feed off the nation until it is weak!

So now that I have got Putin reading my blog, could George Osborne please also read this part of my blog, and stop cutting the benefits of the poor and disabled. Admit that you haven't really given anything to relieve the misery of the floods, as one hundred and fifty million for the whole of Yorkshire is less than the money originally offered just for York and you are raising the money by putting a levy on the insurers, who will then pass it on to the whole of the nation, so this is just another stealth tax! Donald Trump, if you are reading this, please step down. If you do care about your country, use your money to help someone who really does want to make changes and make America the superpower it once was again.

And for any teachers, librarians, festival organisers out there reading this. BOOK ME! BUY MY BOOKS! I'm quite cute and cuddly when I'm not writing blogs!

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