Sunday 3 May 2015


What fantastic news this week, about the birth of a beautiful little girl. Of course, I send my congratulations to both the mother and the father.

Although the father of the child has not been seen for some time, owing to his drink and drug addiction. The mother, though, has done the best she can, on the limited funds that she has, to make the best of the situation. Once her bundle of joy has been given the all-clear, she will, of course, be referred to social services, because of difficult background issues.

The funding for this child's up bringing will no doubt be provided by us, the taxpayers, only this mother will have her benefits cut, until she is forced to either work long hours, or until she qualifies to go to a food bank or she can turn to petty crime. The child itself will be lucky to get a substandard education because of the situation of her parents. The father will have no part in any of this.

This is not to say that the child is in any way of a substandard intellect, but she will not be expected to shine educationally. This is because she will be forced to spend her formative years in poverty, where education is not a priority. There will be no waving of flags to celebrate her lonely arrival into this world of inequality. There will be no news coverage of how wonderful the mother looks after just giving birth. Money will become more and more scarce as she grows, because of lack of investment in our people.

The government are looking for ways to save more money: austerity is what they call it, so they tax the people who work long hard hours. They cut the benefits of the disabled and the frail and vulnerable of society, While giving banks money for 'quantitative easing' They have created tax havens for non-doms, while ensuring that further education is getting to be just that, further and further out of the reach of the poor.

So if the establishment want me to wave flags and rejoice, please stop funding the outdated and archaic institution of the monarchy. Stop funding the greedy selfish city bankers to bring the country to its knees and start investing in our people, so we abolish the inequality of a world where 95% of the wealth is divided between 2% of the population. Stop punishing people for the circumstances they were born into, and give them a way out of of poverty.

Do all this and maybe, just maybe I might rejoice about about the news of another child being born.

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