Thursday 30 April 2015

I Would Rather Be A Gay, Black Jew, Than A Bigot!

There are lots of things that I find difficult to understand about people and their behaviour. Even as a young child, I couldn't work out why Christians hated Jews, because Jesus was a Jew. When I asked a teacher at my junior school why the Jewish people were so persecuted she told me (an eight year old boy) that the Jews killed Jesus. I thought it was the Romans, yet you don't see the Italians getting the same treatment! Even if this were true, which it isn't, even if there was a person called Jesus (Joshua originally) why would you persecute people who were not there for over two thousand years? What makes it even more ludicrous is that the Torah, the holy book of Judaism, is actually the old testament in the Christian bible!

Now before lots of Christians get hot under the collar with me and tell me that they are not all the same and most are quite passive and tolerant (which is not true) I know not all Christians are the same. But the thing about religion is, the less you know about it, the more bigoted you become.

It seems that gay men, though, strangely, not gay women, get the same treatment. I cannot understand why gay men are so hated! It is just a sexual preference, no more no less, that's it? We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to sex.

Lets get the religious bit out of the way, shall we? I know all about if a man lays with another blah, blah stuff. But why would a God, a being of vastly superior intellect, a being capable of conjuring up billions of galaxies, of creating all life, be bothered who slept with who? And if the Bible is to be taken literally, then Jesus didn't marry, he hung around with twelve disciples (actually many more than twelve, if you read the Bible). He was betrayed by a kiss from another man: think about it.

But it seems that its not just religious bigots that hate gay men. I watched a programme the other evening about gay men in Russia who are beaten and intimidated: why? Is the masculinity of these bullies threatened by a show of love for their fellow men? Do they see something deep inside their own psyche when they are faced with a gay person? The same men seem to be turned on by the thought of lesbian sex. I cannot see why they have so much hatred.

I really don't care what two consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own homes, or anywhere else, as long as it's in private. I remember years ago when I worked as a carpenter (Jesus would have been so proud) working on building sites. While working on one site and having a lot of light-hearted banter while eating our lunch, one of the bricklayers mentioned that he was gay. At first, the others thought that he was kidding, but when he told them he had a male partner who he loved deeply, the whole mood of the hut where we were eating changed. People became quite hostile to him. Soon, as with all mobs, they had worked themselves into a frenzy over such an innocent irrelevant comment. Then the whole room became quite threatening, so I thought enough was enough and I told the ringleaders of the bigoted bile what I thought of them. Needless to say, they all turned on me then, claiming that I was gay too. They asked me outright if I was gay, and I told them that my sex life was no person's business but mine! For the rest of the time I worked on that site people gave me a wide berth, and I had lots of fun flirting with the gay bricklayer every meal-time, to wind the rest of the imbeciles up! The guy who I had originally defended asked me one day if I was gay, and I told him to mind his own business.

Many years later while having a drink in a well-known gay bar where I live, I met this man again. He was with his partner and I was with my wife and a couple of good friends. The man came over to me looked at my wife and laughed saying, “That answers my question then.” I told him "Can you not tell she is a man in drag?” pointing to my wife ,who then promptly hit me! He sat with us for a while as he also knew the couple that we were with and I was shocked to hear of the abuse he had received because he was so open about being gay. One of our friends (who is gay) said he, too, had received the same treatment. I was shocked and saddened that we, in this age, still treat people in such a way.

I remember a friend of mine telling me years ago that he didn't want to go to a night club in the Lancashire town of Bolton. When I asked him why, he told me that he had been before and had to fight his way out of the club. The reason for this? Was he some sort of pervert? Had he knocked over a table full of drinks? Had he chatted up someone's wife? No, the reason he had to fight for his life was because he's black! I am concerned by people's ideologies, behaviour and fanaticism, but I really don't give a toss about their skin colour! Why the colour of your skin reflects on you as a person is beyond me!

I thought that we had moved on from the dismal bigoted days of the seventies, that was until a trip to the south Yorkshire town of Barnsley a few months ago. On the main street was a group of morons called the National Front. The NF, as they like to be called, are a Neo-Nazi organisation of knob heads (technical term!). As we walked past these thugs they all stopped and stared with menace at my family. The reason for this being that my son's partner is of mixed race (whatever that means) - she is black. What's more my beautiful granddaughter was with us. I told my wife and my son's partner to keep on walking with our granddaughter, while my son and myself stopped behind, just in case of any trouble. I looked at my son who looked back at me and for a split second we were both overcome with rage because of these mindless oafs. Luckily they did nothing but mutter to each other.

It seems that bigotry is part of the psyche of humans!

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