Saturday 12 September 2015

The Un-Scratchable Itch!

According to the spell-checker, there is no such word as un-scratchable. This was also backed up by a friend this week who also agreed that there was no such thing. She told me this when I told her that I had itchy teeth, earlier in the week. I told her that it was driving me mad, because they were un-scratchable. She told me that there was no such word, and no such thing as 'itchy teeth'.

I can't possibly be the only person to have suffered from this phenomenon? Have you never had an itch in your teeth that is totally impossible to scratch? There is also that itch you get at the centre of your back that has been carefully measured by your body to ensure it is absolutely impossible to reach it! What about when you are in polite company or trying to impress someone and you develop itchy crotch syndrome? There is no way on earth you can stick your hands down your pants for a relief rummage!

What about the very strange phenomenon which some amputees suffer from, 'the phantom itch'? This is where an itch develops where there is no longer a limb! Honestly, this is quite a common thing, people developing an itch where there is no limb! Surely these itches are all un-scratchable?

But today there has been the news of an itch that I, for one, welcome. Jeremy Corbyn has been elected the new leader of the Labour party. All the Tory Blairites who have been masquerading as socialists have now started to squirm, having all declared they wouldn't serve under him.

The Tories are now worried because there is suddenly a true opposing view to their callous, money-grabbing philosophy. This was evident in the way Cameron has launched a scathing personal attack on a man who has done nothing but show dignity and charm so far. Cameron claims that Corbyn will destroy the economy if he ever gets voted in. Well isn't that what both Blair and Major did? But they did it by letting their banker friends have all their own way.

For far too long, there has been no alternative to the greedy capitalist mentality. People bought into the myth that market forces will dictate the economy. Market forces are manipulated to suit the few. This is not Marxist propaganda. It is a simple fact that rich people stay rich no matter what happens to the economy, while the rest of us suffer.

I'm in no way a Communist, as this system has been proven not to work, but then, so has capitalism. Only the latter seems so much more seductive, giving you a chance to make it big. But we all no how lotteries work, they are never in the favour of the punter.

So even if you don't agree with a word of what the new Labour leader has to say I'm sure you will find out a lot more about your chosen party, when they now debate with him?

If you all sing from the same hymn sheet, you always get the same old song!

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