Wednesday 26 November 2014

I lied!

If you have ever read my blog before, you will be aware of my sudden and somewhat rash announcement that I was no longer going to continue writing it a while back. Well I lied. This, if you are reading the blog right now, won't come as much of a shock to you, but it did shock me, when I decided I was going to start writing the blog again

Not the type of shock like finding your wife in bed with your brother, or finding out that the beautiful woman you have been having a passionate affair with was once a butch ruby player called Keith! But it was a shock, because I found myself missing having an outlet for my rantings.

This will also be a shock to people who know me and claim that all I ever seem to do is rant. But when I write it down, it seems to make more sense to me for some strange reason! And I also have two new books out, so you decide my reasons for writing the blog again.

It's a funny thing, lying, most people claim they never lie. My wife, Carol is one of these people. I would say that on the whole this is true, she doesn't make any grand claims or or invent fictitious friends. She doesn't need to, she's married to me! I do enough of that for the both of us.

But she does lie, she lies all the time we all do. When your twenty-four stone wife tries on a size fourteen dress and her ample acreage of flesh is screaming for mercy to be released from what looks like a garment of torture, then she turns to you with a mixture of pain and hope in her eyes and asks the question.. you know the question, lads?

Do you, in all honesty, knowing that she has been dieting for three weeks, well, eating lettuce in front of you and chips behind your back... do you say, “How in the name of Jesus H. Christ have you managed to get into that? You look like a whale in a girdle!” Or do you say "It looks lovely my love, but I think you would look even more beautiful in this”, then give her a more appropriate garment.

Having walked around the seaside resort of Blackpool, it seems there are lots of men that don't have the balls to say this to their over-indulgent lumps of loveliness. I have seen women there dressed in a way that would make Gok Wan cry. They either have no mirrors in their houses or their eyes have completely failed.

I have the opposite problem with my wife, she is small and slim but insists she's bigger than she really is!

If my wife thought that her reply to a question would upset the enquirer, she would not give a totally honest response.

I, on the other hand, could lie for Europe, I love it, It's fun! Yes, it gets me into trouble and yes, people get angry with me, but in some weird perverse way I'm more honest than most people, I own up to lying. I'm a writer I'm a professional liar, I have to sell myself and my work. I can't go on the radio or the TV to plug me and my work then claim my life is no different and just as boring as the next person, even though it is!

Can you imagine the interview, “Now then Gez what have you been up to this week?” “Well nothing really, I had a pie for my dinner on Wednesday and I managed to watch all series four of QI on Dave on Thursday, and get this for breaking news, I think we might be going of for a pub lunch with some friends this Sunday.”

See, that is probably a brief snapshot of my hedonistic lifestyle, but it's not really for public consumption. I cherry pick the best bits of my weeks, wrap them in a touch of believable fantasy and sell it as one hundred percent unquestionable truth.

Although strange things do happen to me, honest! I was once charged by a rhino, in England!

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "I bet this guy is a lot of fun, and probably very handsome" - which is true, honest, but you probably think I'm also about to spin you a lie, but no, what I'm about to reveal is the truth, the whole truth, and a bit of exaggeration!

I once took my sister's two oldest children to Chester zoo. This was many years ago, as they now have children of their own. Anna was a lovely little girl of about four years old, while her brother James was a six-year-old thing of nightmares.

He had been trying to get his younger sister to walk on the "nice green grass" which he knew full well was algae covering deep water in the chimp enclosure. We had all sat down on a wall to enjoy a well- deserved ice cream when I heard lots of people screaming and shouting. I turned, and to my horror saw that James had jumped into the rhino enclosure behind us and was standing in front of one and a half tons of muscle and horn, while dancing and offering it out for a fight!

I had no option but to jump into the enclosure and grab him and throw him up to my wife, who was by now quite hysterical with fear.

Once he was safely out of the enclosure and in my wife's arms I heard more screams coming from the now large crowd that had gathered to watch in horror and fascination at the halfwit bloke in the rhino enclosure.

On turning around, I saw that the rhino had taken James up on his offer of a fight and, being short-sighted, decided it would beat me up first! I can tell you now the sight of one and a half tons of rhino charging at you can cure the most problematic of bodily functions, it makes them all work together in perfect harmony.

I managed to scramble up over the wall, just missing out on what surely would have been a life-threatening beating by the beast.  The rangers of the park had turned up with guns to shoot the rhino if need be, at least I hope it was the rhino they were planning on shooting!

I was promptly frog-marched off the premises and told not to darken their doorsteps again. I did go back a couple of years ago, though, so I guess all has been forgiven.

So, there you have it: sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction, if it is the truth - it's hard to say, after so many years. Your mind has ways of papering over the nasty cracks of your failings and adding a touch of gloss. Most of our memories will be one third a lie. You know that love affair you had with the most beautiful and understanding person ever, when you were only sixteen. Remember it was a long hot summer, all you did was laugh and love? If you live in Britain that summer lasted two days and how come you split up if he/she was so perfect?

But one thing I can tell you with one hundred percent honesty is that I have two new books out, Great Aunt Fanny's Moustache and The Meeting Room

Well, actually, The Meeting Room has been out before, as an e book so that's not one hundred percent true...

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