Monday 1 July 2013

Beer, Bullies and Bruises!

Alcohol has a lot to answer for. Murders, broken homes and me sleeping with a sixteen stone woman with terminal halitosis!

Most of us can just have a few drinks with friends and enjoy the warm buzz of a few beers in good company, but others drink themselves into oblivion.

I have family and friends to whom the demon drink is the monster in their head. They are unable to just have one drink, they must obey the addiction. It consumes their every waking hour. It eats at every fibre of their being; for some, the alcohol has long seen off what ever dignity they had left.

This is an illness that the sufferers usually don’t want to be cured of. This for some is a slow undignified death!

But there are others, usually the young, who also have a problem with drink. People think this is a British problem, but I have witnessed it the world over. And if I’m honest, I have done the same things myself when I was much younger.

To the young, drink makes them invincible, attractive and witty. But, in reality, it turns them into incoherent retards, who usually end up in A&E at the end of the night for either stitches, splints or stomach pumps!

I have spoken to far too many women who have told me how they lived in total fear of their partners returning home after a nights drinking. Some knew they would be beaten, others have been raped.
Mothers tell their children to hide upstairs before ‘Daddy’ gets home and to keep quiet. Children cover their ears to drown out the sound of Mummy’s screams.

But having said all this I wouldn’t want alcohol banned or made more expensive. Why should the majority suffer because of a few?

What we do need is more education about alcohol; making it more expensive just means that people will buy it from other sources.Banning advertising, as we have done with cigarettes, would also be a good move. Strangely the amount of people who are smokers is dropping but the numbers are rising in one sub-category: teenage girls.

Having said all this, there are people who just use alcohol as an excuse! People make a pass at someone that they have fancied for years yet daren’t make a move, but after a few drinks they get brave. They have usually planned this in advance. And if their advances are spurned, they just blame the drink!

Also there are the young guys who have no balls while sober, yet when they have a few drinks they mouth off, but then apologise the next day, blaming the drink. But they always manage to say what they planned.

I have in my neighbourhood a young man who is best described as a total knobhead!

He has a few drinks, then smashes up his parents' house, beats up his father and struts around like a male lion on steroids! The next day he apologises, saying it was the drink that made him go mad.

The trouble is, he’s a miserable snivelling little coward who needs to grow up! The strange thing about his madness is that it leaves him the moment he’s confronted by someone who is capable of hitting back!

We have got to the stage in Britain where, if there’s a problem, we want to ban everything associated with it. This is not the way reasonable people deal with a problem. I’m fed up listening to the ban-everything-brigade telling me how to make a better society, maybe society would be better if we banned the self-righteous!

Alcohol can, when used in moderation, be a good thing. It helps social occasions, and ugly people like me to get laid. It helps us, just for a few hours, to relax and have fun away from the drudgery of everyday life. So to all those decent, law-abiding people out there who just want a few drinks and a catch up with friends, CHEERS!

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