Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Monsters Under Your Bed!

There comes a time in the life of every member of my family when they have to do something very important. This important deed is something that will stay with us for the rest of our lives, and we will pass on to our children. We have to go and say hello to the fairies!

This week, when little Harleigh came to stay, we decided that we would go into the woods where we live and introduce our newest member of the Walsh clan to the little people of the woods. I have to stress that the Walsh fairies have always been woodland fairies. Not to be mistaken for water nymphs, leprechauns, boggits or imps. They are good fairies, who protect the woodlands and young humans from anything bad.

Because Harleigh is not yet three years old, we had to go during the day to look for the fairies, and everyone knows that all the little people sleep during the day, so we had little chance of seeing one up close. But we did look down some fairy trees which have large holes at the base to let the small people in to sleep. Both little Harleigh and myself were convinced that we saw a little person wrapped in a leaf blanket asleep in the tree, so we whispered our hello and moved on.

I explained to Harleigh as we walked through the wood that when she was born a little light appeared in a leaf boat on the sea of dreams. Then the lock keeper pulled in the boat and from the boat flew a little fairy called Bluebell. This little fairy flew to where Harleigh lay asleep and kissed her. This is how we all get our very own fairy.

We then walked down to a large clearing at the bottom of the wood by the river and said our hellos to the water nymphs. I then showed Harleigh the meeting place where the fairies gather each evening to sing and dance. Lots of animals come to have their differences sorted of by the king and queen of the fairies, before each one flies off to see that their child is safe asleep in bed. Nona Carol told me that I must not frighten Harleigh with my stories but Harleigh was so excited to be meeting them all. She was so excited that she stood in the fairy clearing and did a little dance, then asked me, “Babo, can fairy see me dance?” I told her the fairies will love her dancing, then we wrote a little note and left it in the fairy post box.

When we arrived back home Harleigh told Nona Carol all about the fairies and how she saw one asleep. Later when her mama and papa came to pick her up she also told them about her day with such excitement I thought she would burst.

But little Harleigh is also at that age where every bump and click in the night is sure to be something bad. We have all been there. The monsters under your bed. When you lie awake at night as a child and the pattern on your wallpaper turns into a face. When a door clicks open seemingly by itself, it's a sure sign that the bogeyman is on his way! These are the nightmares of children the world over. For some, they are real nightmares. I have worked with young people who for them the click of the latch on their bedroom door is a sign of real terror, a terror brought to them by someone who should be there to love and protect them, not abuse them! While for others, night time terrors are the terrors of war, real fears.

But here in this little wood where we live, the night time terrors are just terrors of the mind. They are just a product of a young and fertile imagination. They exist to be a safe way to warn us that that there can be real dangers in this world. But as adults it is our job to teach our young about safety while making sure they are safe.

I explained to Harleigh when she awakes sometimes while sleeping over at our house that although the wood looks very scary with the trees swaying in the wind, it's quite safe for her in the house. I tell her that nothing can get in the house and that outside the fairies are looking after both her and all the animals. I have also told her that she also has a secret weapon, she has a Babo! I have told her that no monster no matter how big or bad they are would dare go near Harleigh because they would have to get past Babo first and there's no way that could ever happen. And if Babo wasn't around they would have an even bigger problem because they would have to face Nona Carol and even Babo is scared of Nona Carol.

I guess we all have our fears!

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