Saturday 13 April 2013


Welcome to Great Britain, twinned with North Korea!

Our former great dictator… Sorry, leader, Kim Jong Thatcher, has recently been sent to her great ancestors in the sky. To commemorate her passing, we, the FREE and DEMOCRATIC people of Britain, have been told to spend ten million pounds and stand with a happy smile, waving as her over priced, unnecessary procession goes by.

And not unlike North Korea, we the FREE and DEMOCRATIC people of Great Britain, are being arrested in our own homes for daring to speak out against this great waste of public money… sorry... outpouring of love.

We, the FREE and DEMOCRATIC, people of Great Britain, are being told that we are not allowed to protest against a woman who, in her time, has destroyed communities and with her friend Ronnie Reagan was the direct start of what later led to the banking crashes a few years ago. We are to stand with a happy smile and wave our flags.

We, the FREE and DEMOCRATIC people of Great Britain, are having our e-mails and blogs checked by what was once regarded as one of the best police forces in the world.

At this very moment one of our brave cuntstables (Yorkshire spelling) might be reading my blog (it’s about time some fucker read it!). George Orwell knew what he was talking about when he spoke of the ‘Thought Police!’

We, the FREE and DEMOCRATIC people of Great Britain have been told by our Junta...sorry... government that we have to tighten our belts!  That there is no more money for pensioners, schools and hospitals, but we do have ten million pounds for a funeral. 

I don’t mind them spending that amount on burying her as long as her family pick up the bill.

So, goodbye for now, from the FREE and DEMOCRATIC police state of  North Britain. I might not be able to blog for a while, if the Thought Police pay me a visit!

Note: The views above are not the views of the blogger, but of David Cameron and Nick Clegg, so if any criminal offence has been committed by this blog,
please arrest them as soon as possible!

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